
Persistent shoulder pain can range from a dull nuisance to a nearly-debilitating sensation. If you’re experiencing joint discomfort that won’t go away, visit a specialist to get to the bottom of it. Experts like the orthopedic surgeons from Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester will diagnose your condition and recommend a tailored treatment plan to bring you relief. Here, the Rochester, NY-based practice weighs in with some possibilities for ongoing shoulder soreness.

Orthopedic Surgeons’ Guide to Shoulder Pain

Have You Sustained an Injury?

From fractured collarbones to dislocations, accidents, or acute sports injuries can cause piercing sensations in the shoulder. Any time you feel sharp pain following an injury, visit the emergency room as soon as possible. They’ll perform X-rays to diagnose the injury. Bone and joints aren’t the only sources of acute shoulder pain. Muscles and tendons can also become inflamed (bursitis), thickened (“frozen” shoulder), or even completely torn. Causes of these conditions include overuse, repetitive motion, or trauma, such as a fall.

What if You Haven’t Experienced an Injury?

If you haven’t sustained a sports-related injury or been involved in another type of accident, your shoulder pain could indicate another underlying condition. Osteoarthritis, for instance, is a degenerative condition that can occur naturally with age. It results in deteriorating cartilage, which can limit range of motion and cause ongoing discomfort.

What Treatments Are Available?

orthopedic surgeonThe cause of the pain will dictate your treatment options. Some conditions, such as osteoarthritis, respond well to physical therapy. Others, such as tears of the rotator cuff tendon, may require combined treatments, such as cortisone injections for temporary pain relief and swelling reduction, followed by physical therapy. When pain persists and the condition doesn’t respond to noninvasive treatment, an orthopedic surgeon may provide the best path to lasting relief.

While the orthopedic surgeons at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester can perform advanced procedures to help you regain your shoulder mobility and achieve ongoing comfort, they also specialize in same-day care for sports and traumatic injuries. They offer individualized treatment options to meet patients’ unique needs. Learn more about their services online or call (585) 723-3000 to schedule an appointment.
