
Dental anxiety can be problematic for your oral health if it prevents you from showing up for routine teeth cleanings. At Family First Dentistry, the compassionate team in Anchorage works hard to ensure their patients feel safe and secure, whether they’re getting a general checkup or undergoing a tooth extraction. However, they also advise that there are steps you can take to help that process along and ease your worries.  

How to Keep Dental Anxiety Under Control

1. Discuss Procedures Beforehand

Knowing what’s going to happen during a visit can assuage fears for many patients. For instance, during teeth cleaning, the dentist removes tartar, polishes and flosses your teeth, takes x-rays, and performs an examination to make sure there are no issues. They use special tools that minimize discomfort, but if you discuss your fears in advance, they may offer additional options, such as sedation dentistry—especially for more serious procedures.

2. Understand Where the Fears Come From

teeth cleaningIt’s helpful to do some self-reflection to understand where your dental fears originate. Did you have a particularly upsetting teeth cleaning as a child? If so, it could be the starting point of your anxiety. Fortunately, advances in recent years, both in tools and techniques, make visits easier, faster, and more comfortable. Also, if you need the dentist to be gentler or attuned to your sensitivity, let them know. Most prioritize your well-being and are happy to oblige.

3. Try Deep Breathing Exercises

When stressed, your breathing may become erratic. Help your body relax by taking deep breaths. Sit for several minutes and slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth before the appointment. Also, refrain from drinking caffeine beforehand, as this can also increase your heart rate.

If you still feel anxious about the visit, Family First Dentistry offers sedation dentistry services. These include a wide range of options, from oral sedation to inhalants that create a sense of calm and serenity. To schedule teeth cleaning in Anchorage today, call (907) 562-2820. You can also review their complete listing of treatments, including whitening, dental implants, and crowns, by visiting the website.
