
When you’re in severe or chronic pain, you’ll do anything to find relief. Unfortunately, some treatments, such as surgery and prescription painkillers, can be dangerous or have negative side effects. Laser therapy is a safe, effective alternative. MLS laser therapy is a new type of treatment even more effective than traditional laser therapy. May Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, in East Hartford, CT, is here to explain the difference between the two techniques. 

Traditional Laser Therapy

MLS Laser TherapyTraditional low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a low-risk, non-invasive method of pain management doctors have used for over 40 years. LLLT and LED (light emitting diode) therapy can help reduce inflammation and edema, induce analgesia, and promote musculoskeletal healing. It’s often used to treat inflammation for conditions such as sciatica and arthritis, or injuries. Traditional LLLT light beams operate on one wavelength in the red to near-infrared range of the spectrum to penetrate skin and tissues. Doctors apply the irradiance to the affected area for about 30 to 60 seconds a few times a week for several weeks. 

MLS Laser Therapy

MLS laser therapy consists of the same fundamental concepts as LLLT with some significant improvements. With MLS laser therapy, two synchronized light beams operate on different wavelengths, penetrating deep into the nerves and tissue. The lasers enter the damaged cells to increase circulation, promoting blood and oxygen flow to the target area. This helps to stimulate healthy tissue growth and repair damaged tissue. MLS laser therapy is painless, and each treatment session lasts eight to 10 minutes. Most patients experience improvement within a few sessions, although complete healing typically occurs after several consistent visits spanning several weeks. 

People who suffer from musculoskeletal issues, such as muscle strains and tears, pre- and post-surgical pain, joint conditions, inflammation, foot pain, and bursitis, may benefit from MLS laser therapy. If you’re interested in trying laser therapy, turn to May Chiropractic & Rehabilitation. Call (860) 568-3900 to schedule a consultation. Visit the website to learn more about their services, including chiropractic care and massage therapy. 
