
New boots can be difficult to break in, especially if the leather is stiff and too tight to comfortably fit over your foot. While you could force them on and walk around until they feel right, shoe care product experts at Sofia Shoe Repair Service in Rochester, NY, recommend saving your feet from potential agony by implementing the following four steps. 

4 Steps for Breaking in New Boots

1. Bending

shoe care productsThe most basic step you can take to break in a pair of boots is to simulate a walking action. Take hold of the tip and flexing it back and forth. Next, place your thumbs at the top of the heel, and press the material inward. Grab the boot by the ankle area, and bend it forward several times. Finally, insert your hand into the book and push the seams outward. These motions will loosen the material and make your boots feel comfortable.

2. Freezing

Extreme cold temperatures are known to cause water to expand, which could be used for breaking in your boots. Fill a resealable bag with water, and remove all the excess air prior to securing it. Place the bag in the boot, so it’s up against the tight areas, and put everything in the freezer. As the water freezes, the material will expand and lose some of its stiffness. Let the ice melt before taking the bag out of the boot.

3. Stretching

Sometimes, all the material needs is a good stretch. Insert a broom handle down into the boot until it reaches the tip. Gently bend the handle backward, allowing the material to slowly expand from top to bottom. If a bit of discoloration appears in an outward direction on the material, you know the boot has been sufficiently stretched.

4. Oiling

Oil is one of the best methods for softening up stiff leaving, and applying a generous amount could make your boots easier to wear. Shoe care product professionals suggest using a mink oil or a conditioner made specifically for leather. Spread it all over the area of the boot that pinches, and leave it to sit overnight. Use a soft, clean cloth to remove any excess oil before trying on the boots.

If your new boots still don’t feel right, set up an appointment with the boot repair professionals at Sofia Shoe Repair Service. After more than 72 years of supplying top-notch shoe care products, this locally owned business understands the different materials and knows the steps required for breaking them in. They provide a personal level of attention to every shoe they work with and implement the industry’s most effective shoe care products. Call (585) 708-7889 to speak with a representative, or visit the website for additional information.
