
About 48 million Americans suffer from some type of hearing impairment, whether it’s due to aging or exposure to damaging noise levels. To protect your well-being, the experienced audiologists at Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX, say it’s important to understand the causes of hearing loss and what puts you at risk. Below are just a few of the everyday activities that can negatively affect your hearing.

3 Activities That Can Cause Hearing Loss

1. Going to Rock Concerts

Hearing loss can occur at a level of 110 decibels. Whether you’re going to an evening rock concert or an all-day festival, concert music levels at 110 decibels can increase the risk of hearing loss after only a couple of minutes of exposure. To prevent damaging your ears, wear over-the-counter or custom-made ear plugs.

2. Operating Loud Machinery

Workers on construction sites or in manufacturing facilities have a high risk of developing a hearing problem due to the noise from loud machinery, such as jackhammers and drills. Wearing the proper hearing protection can help to reduce these risks.

hearing loss3. Riding a Motorcycle

Motorcycles create noise levels as high as 100 decibels, which, over time, is enough to permanently damage your hearing. Be sure that your bike’s exhaust system adheres to safe noise levels, and wear ear plugs when riding to limit your exposure.

If you’re at a higher risk for developing a hearing impairment, it’s a good idea to schedule routine hearing tests. Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX, is the area’s premier audiology clinic, offering a variety of services and products to diagnose and treat hearing disorders, from comprehensive exams to digital hearing aids. Call (830) 895-5900 today to schedule an appointment with a specialist or visit their website for more information about their services.
