
It is upsetting to think about your pet getting Lyme disease, but knowing what to avoid, as well as the symptoms, is invaluable to their wellness. The condition is transmitted through tick bites and can be life-threatening if not properly and quickly. To ensure your dog or cat makes a full recovery, below are a few signs you should take them to the animal hospital right away, and also how to prevent the issue in the first place.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease

Pets bitten by a tick may not show signs of Lyme disease for several weeks or months. The most common symptom of the condition is lameness in the legs due to inflammation. They may walk stiffly and arch their backs because the pain is so severe.

Cats and dogs affected with Lyme disease may also have high fevers, loss of appetite, and fatigue. In severe cases, pets may develop kidney failure, which can be fatal.


animal hospitalThere are several steps you can take to reduce your pet’s chances of contracting the condition. Follow the suggestions listed and take the cat or dog to an animal hospital to ensure there are no lingering threats:

  • Inspect Your Pet Regularly for Ticks: Look for ticks on your cat or dog after they have been in a grassy or wooded area outside. The insects are most frequently found on the feet, under the tail, around the ears, and close to the stomach.
  • Remove the Pest: If you find ticks on your dog or cat, carefully remove them with a pair of tweezers. Grab the bug close to the skin and pull it upwards.
  • Get Your Pet Vaccinated: If you live in an area with many ticks, speak with a veterinarian at an animal hospital about getting your pet vaccinated for Lyme disease.


If your pet is showing symptoms, or you want to take preventive measures, bring them to Hayward Animal Hospital. They have been providing quality animal care services, including wellness exams and vaccinations in Hayward, WI, for over 30 years. To schedule an appointment, call (715) 634-8971 today. Visit the website for more information about how the animal hospital can assist.
