
Without a properly functioning engine, your car won’t go anywhere—yet surprisingly, many drivers neglect the basic maintenance and checkups that keep it functioning. Tasks such as replacing old spark plugs and performing oil changes can have a surprisingly big impact on vehicle performance. As the team at Engel’s Auto Service & Towing in Cincinnati, OH, explains, these elements of an engine tuneup can make a huge difference for the long-term health of your vehicle.

Top 3 Benefits of an Engine Tuneup

1. Early Detection & Prevention

engine tuneupAn engine tuneup gives mechanics an opportunity to thoroughly inspect each part of your engine. Even a damaged or worn belt can result in serious engine trouble, and spotting and repairing such issues before they get out of hand will go a long way in preserving your engine’s health. Catching these problems early on will also help you save money by avoiding future repairs.

2. Improved Power & Efficiency

The part replacements and adjustments that occur during an engine tuneup ensure that your engine won’t have to work as hard to perform its basic functions. This will allow it to operate at full power while also increasing its fuel efficiency, helping you save money at the pump. 

3. Longevity

The engine is the beating heart of your vehicle. As you give it the care it deserves through regular tuneups, you can significantly extend its life span. Preventing the need for major repairs and improving its operational efficiency will ultimately keep it running as it should for tens of thousands of miles to come.


Whether you need an engine tuneup or brake repair, having the right auto service team on your side will make all the difference. In business since 1966, Engel’s Auto Service & Towing can help with a wide range of automotive problems—they’re even available for 24/7 emergency towing. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (513) 385-8246.
