
When you’re missing one or more teeth, you might be considering investing in dental implants and bridges. Both of these prosthetic solutions offer reliable ways to restore your smile’s appearance and functionality but require slightly different approaches to treatment and care. If you’re unsure about which device is best for your oral health, here are a few important factors to consider as you weigh your options.

Jaw Health

Dental implants are prosthetic devices that consist of a two-part system to replace the entire tooth-and-root structure. First, a titanium post is inserted in through the gums so that it can fuse with the jawbone. After the post heals, a crown is fixed on top to replace the missing tooth. While this arrangement is incredibly stable, it does require the patient to have a healthy jaw that can fully support the post.

If you have experienced bone loss or have a weak jaw, dental bridges might be a better option, as this device doesn’t require any insertion. With this treatment, artificial teeth—known as pontics—are held into place by crowns that anchor to existing teeth.


dental implantsDental implants are designed to be permanent fixtures that function just like real teeth. As such, they do not require any extra maintenance other than standard oral hygiene. If the crown does break, it can easily be switched out by a cosmetic dentist.

Bridges, on the other hand, require a little extra care when flossing, as you’ll have to make sure to clean under and around the entire fixture. Depending on the care you provide, they can last anywhere between five to 15 years before they need to be replaced by a skilled dentist.

Treatment Time

If you are missing multiple teeth, bridges can provide a faster and more convenient restoration. Typically, bridges only require a few appointments over a short period of time. With dental implants, however, you must wait several weeks for the titanium post to heal before the permanent crown can be placed on top.


If you’re looking to save more money over time, dental implants might be the best choice. Implants typically cost more upfront when compared to the initial price of bridges. However, since dental crowns are permanent fixtures, you’ll be able to save on the replacement costs that are associated with bridges.


In addition to considering these factors, you’ll also want to speak with a trusted restorative specialist to determine whether bridges or dental implants are the best fit for you. For professional insight, patients in Greensboro, NC, turn to Judy Walker, DDS. Offering over 25 years of reliable and state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry, this local specialist can help you explore the pros and cons of these two popular options to help ensure your smile makeover is a stress-free experience. For more information about her services, visit her online or call (336) 275-1472 today.
