
Starting school is a major milestone for every kid. This may be the first time they’ve been away from you and spent extended time with their peers. Parents can make this adjustment easier by helping their children make friends, so they’re prepared to get out there and foster new relationships in class. Whether your kids are struggling to gain some pals or haven’t yet started school, consider these three ways to help them create healthy friendships.

Encourage Your Child to Make Friends With These 3 Tips

1. Get Them Involved

After-school activities offer many opportunities for kids to meet their classmates. Unlike regular school hours where everyone is placed together based on age and intelligence level, activities provide a subject matter that brings together like-minded kids. Whether your children try out art and language clubs, creative writing groups, or sports, they’ll find a new friend in an extra-curricular activity.

2. Set Up Play Dates

schoolDo your friends have kids the same age as your children? If so, bring them together for play dates. Since you already know their parents, this provides an easy opportunity to help your little ones create friendships at early ages. Also, set up playgroups with people from the local park, church, or a music class you attend as a family. 

3. Teach Them to Share 

Sharing is a crucial part of friendships at any age—even well before kids begin attending school. Teach your children to share, when appropriate. This will help them to have fun with toys and be kind to classmates.


Wonderland School in San Marcos, TX, provides top-notch private school education to kids in kindergarten through sixth grade. The talented and dedicated teachers encourage kids to learn through social interactions and challenging classes to prepare them for their educational and professional futures. To learn about their enrollment process, teaching staff, and after-school programming, call (512) 392-9404. Visit the website for information on their academic curriculum and school philosophy. If you enroll your child and mention that you found them online, you’ll receive a free gift!
