
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal in every state, with strict criminal penalties for those convicted of this serious offense. Those under the age of 21, however, are held to a different legal standard and may face more serious consequences than adult offenders. Scott & Heenan LLC, OWI attorneys based in Grant County, recommend discussing Wisconsin law with your children to ensure they understand how these charges may impact their lives.

Zero Tolerance for Underage Drinking & Driving

Like many other states, Wisconsin has a zero-tolerance policy toward underage intoxicated drivers. While adults will likely only face charges if their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) measures 0.08% or above, those under 21 may be arrested if their chemical test measures just 0.02%. Marijuana, prescription medications, and any other illicit substances may also provide grounds for an OWI arrest.

Penalties for Underage OWI

For a first offenseowi attorney, underage defendants may face similar penalties to adult offenders, including steep fines and a driver’s license suspension of up to nine months. Because young drivers are already at risk for auto accidents and reckless driving, a second offense within 10 years brings harsher penalties, including fines of up to $1,000, plus court costs and other additional fees, and possibly up to one year in jail.

How an OWI Attorney Can Help

Because an OWI conviction can have long-term financial and civil consequences, always speak to an OWI attorney before accepting a guilty plea. A skilled lawyer will review the circumstances of your arrest, challenge any improperly collected evidence, and strive to achieve the best possible outcome. In some cases, they may be able to negotiate an alternative sentencing arrangement designed to provide support for the defendant and reduce risk-taking behavior.

If you or a family member has been charged with driving under the influence, the legal team at Scott & Heenan LLC will provide the aggressive representation you need. For over 50 years, they’ve been Platteville’s premier OWI attorneys, thanks to their expertise and high standards of service. For more legal tips, follow the law firm on Facebook, and call (608) 348-9506 or visit their website to discuss your case and schedule a consultation.
