
As a homeowner, you know cockroaches are among the most unwelcome sights you can encounter. Luckily, there are many at-home approaches to roach control you can implement before resorting to professional help. The experts at Acme Pest Control Co are dedicated to eradicating pests from Concord and Charlotte, NC, homes, as well as providing clients with preventive tips. Here, they list the most effective ways to make roaches feel unwelcome in your house.

4 Roach Control Tips for Proactive Homeowners

1. Crumbs

Roaches are attracted to easy-access food sources, which means the crumbs on your counter make for an enticing meal. To prevent pests from making an entrance, clean crumbs up with a sponge before wiping down your counters with soap and water.

2. Leaky Fixtures

Roaches are also attracted to water for drinking. If you notice any leaky faucets and showerheads in your home, have a plumber fix them immediately, and mop up pooling water as soon as possible.

3. Warm Areas

roach controlLike humans, roaches are most comfortable in warm environments, so keep an eye on appliances that generate heat. Stoves and dryers tend to retain heat even after they shut off, so clean diligently around and underneath these areas.

4. Entry Points

It’s also smart to minimize access points around your home where roaches may enter. Seal cracks with caulk, and replace broken weatherstripping around doors and windows. If any piles of wood sit near your home’s perimeter, move these further away. Also, cut back any branches or bushes that touch the exterior of your house.

If you’re taking preventive action and still spot these dreaded pests around your home, contact Acme Pest Control Co today for comprehensive roach control services. This company has over 70 years of experience dealing with termites, bedbugs, rodents, and other critters. For more information about their services, visit the website. You can also call (704) 786-4166 to speak with a roach control expert.
