
Summer is an exciting time to own a mobile food truck. But with heat coming on, the temperatures in your rolling establishment will soar. This isn’t just a matter of comfort; it’s a health issue. With temperatures reaching 120° F in your truck, you and other workers may be at risk for heat stroke and dehydration. Below, Shanghai Mobile Kitchen Solutions in Brooklyn, NY, shares some tips for staying cool on the hottest days.

How to Run Your Mobile Food Truck in the Summer Heat

1. Take Advantage of the Shade

When the sun is beating down on your mobile food truck, it will absorb that heat and turn the interior into an oven. Park in a shady spot to cut that added heat and cool your vehicle. You should also consider installing an awning. In addition to keeping your customers comfortable as they order, it will keep unneeded sunlight from reflecting off the pavement and into the vehicle.

2. Turn Off Unused Appliances

In your truck, you probably have to keep the stove and refrigerator running, but there might be other appliances you can afford to shut down. Power down lights, electronics, and any other unnecessary heat-producing appliances.

3. Open the Windows

Mobile Food TruckDepending on your food truck design, you might be able to open your truck’s windows on either side for a cool cross-breeze. Also, consider setting up some solar powered fans on days when there’s not much breeze to be had.

4. Keep Yourself Cool

This may be a given, but it’s important to dress cool when working in a hot food truck. Go with light, breathable fabrics and ditch the unneeded accessories. And to lower your body temperature on those sweltering days, soak a towel in cold water and wrap it around your neck.

5. Stay Hydrated

Keep a supply of water bottles close by to stay hydrated. You might not even notice how much body moisture you’re losing, so drinking plenty of water might require conscious discipline.

If you don’t yet have the mobile food truck of your dreams, Shanghai Mobile Kitchen Solutions can help you achieve your goals. They create custom food trucks with all the necessary appliances in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, New Jersey, Maryland, and North Carolina. This family-owned company also offers custom kitchen designs for restaurants. Call (800) 253-4815 or visit their website to view their portfolio.
