
When you send your little one off to an early learning center, you expect their days to be full of fun experiences, discoveries, and friendships. Early childhood education shepherds toddlers through developmental milestones and helps ready them for kindergarten. That's why Mendon Child Care Center partners with parents to ensure their children get the most from their early learning center experience. Here are five lessons Mendon’s child care professionals strive to teach students to prepare them for greater heights.

5 Lessons Your Child Can Learn From an Early Learning Center

1. Counting & the Alphabet

Math and reading are the building blocks of education, and they find their foundations in the preschool curriculum. At early learning centers, children learn to count and recognize letters through hands-on activities that also help develop fine and gross motor skills. 

2. How to Share

Socialization is a crucial part of the pre-K experience. Especially relevant to making and keeping healthy friendships is learning to share, which also helps children to develop a worldview where they actively consider the thoughts and feelings of others.

3. Sequencing

Logical-sequential systems of thought are integral to developing critical thinking skills later in life. At many early learning centers, pattern games and puzzles stimulate little ones’ ability to connect related subjects and synthesize information.

4. Patience & Focus

Every child can learn, but to succeed in the classroom, they first need to develop good learning habits. Child care centers help prepare children for school by teaching focus and stretching young attention spans. As a result, kids will make a more prolonged and concerted effort while learning to read or solve math problems in elementary school.

5. How to Take Joy in Learning New Things

Early learning professionals center their curriculum around the philosophy that education and fun go hand in hand. They do their utmost to inspire a lifelong love of learning in their students because they know how delicate and formative this period is.

When you’re seeking an early learning center for your little ones, trust Mendon Child Care Center of Mendon, NY to give your children the care and education they need to thrive when they reach kindergarten. Call (585) 624-2337 to schedule an appointment to create your personalized child care plan, or visit their website for details about upcoming programs.
