
When sounds become too difficult to hear or you can’t discern between multiple noises when they occur at once, hearing aids become essential devices for improving or fully restoring the absent sound. However, before you start wearing these devices, you should schedule a fitting with a qualified audiologist. This will help to prevent future problems and ensure the appliances work as intended.

Proper Fit

How a hearing aid fits is crucial to its functionality. Although these listening devices are available online, buying them this way won’t guarantee a good fit. Instead, if you visit an audiologist, they will take a fitting of your ears to find devices that will correspond to your ear shape and offer the correct level of amplification for your particular kind of hearing loss. Depending on your specific case, they might even take an impression of your ear to design a custom aid. 

Proper Hearing

hearing aid There’s another issue that occurs when your hearing aids aren’t professionally fitted; you risk further damage to your hearing. This occurs when the devices haven’t been tuned to the user’s specific amplification and produce sounds that are too loud. During your fitting, an audiologist will test the sound levels while you are wearing the devices to measure the softest sounds you can hear at different pitches and what volume of sound is too loud. Also, if you are suffering from a particular issue, such as tinnitus, they will fit you for equipment made to lessen the problem.

Proper Cleaning

If you are new to hearing aids or are upgrading devices, you need to learn how to take care of them. During your fitting, an audiologist will go over any maintenance and cleaning requirements to ensure your devices continue to function without any issues.


There’s no reason to struggle through conversations or be put off by crowded rooms filled with multiple noises. At Solbrig Hearing Center in Kerrville, TX, they provide hearing tests to help identify even the subtlest signs of hearing loss. Call them today at (830) 895-5900 to schedule a hearing aid fitting and visit them online to learn more about their services.
