
By design, sliding glass doors are secure. While they’re primarily constructed of glass, the frames and panes are specially engineered to withstand immense pressure. In addition, special coatings are used to prevent shattering if the door collides with another object. But despite these features, homeowners may want to invest in other ways to heighten the security of their entryways. As a leading provider of entry doors and windows in Kalispell, MT, Shepard’s Glass highlights a few tips to help you enhance the security of your sliding glass doors.

5 Solutions to Make Your Sliding Glass Doors More Secure

1. Install a Home Security Alarm

If you’re searching for the ultimate peace of mind, have a home security system installed. Many professional systems feature multiple sensors that will sound an alarm when someone breaks into your home—whether it’s through the patio door or the kitchen window. Most systems are also connected to round-the-clock responders who can dispatch police to your home in the event of a break-in. If you want to make a smaller investment, you can purchase individual alarms that chime when a sliding door is opened.  

2. Hang Curtains or Blinds

Curtains and blinds will do more than boost your home’s design—they can also keep peering eyes from peeking into your home. Unable to see your personal belongings, potential burglars will be less motivated to break in.

3. Set Up a Motion-Activated Light

sliding glass doorMotion-activated porch lights are an affordable and effective way to deter potential thieves. When positioned correctly, these bright lights will turn on whenever there’s activity in your yard—alerting you to the threat and telling burglars they can be seen.

4. Use Additional Locks

Although sliding glass doors come with their own set of heavy-duty locks, you can also have additional locking devices installed. For example, locking bars can fit into the door tracks to prevent the entryway from sliding open.  

5. Purchase Surveillance Equipment

A variety of CCTV systems and surveillance cameras can be installed to help you keep a watchful eye on your home’s entryways. In most cases, the presence of a camera will scare a burglar away from your property. However, if they do attempt to break in, you can use the footage to identify the criminal. Some systems also feature wireless streaming so that you can see what’s happening outside your home even when you’re away.

Apart from following these tips, the security of your sliding glass doors also depends on how well they were installed. That’s why Shepard’s Glass makes it a priority to provide customers with safe, high-quality products and reliable installation. Offering a variety of exceptional doors and windows, you can also count on this local business to equip your home with features that function smoothly and look flawless. Visit this specialist online to learn more about their resources or call (406) 755-4540 to schedule fast and convenient glass door installation in Kalispell, MT.
