
Commercial fire suppression systems — or sprinkler systems — maintain safe workspaces, save money in property damage, and ensure your building is up to code. In addition to following local and regional guidelines, you must adhere to regulations outlined by the National Fire Protection Association — NFPA. Learn what your commercial building requires to stay code-compliant and keep your employees and patrons safe.

What Are the Fire Suppression System Requirements for Commercial Buildings?


According to the NFPA, any building over 55 feet tall requires automatic sprinkler systems installed throughout. This regulation also applies to any newly erected buildings with fire areas greater than 5,000 feet as well as renovations or remodels adding 5,000 feet or more in space. Fire suppression system installation is also necessary for townhouse complexes featuring more than two residential units per building.


fire suppression systemIf your commercial building utilizes a non-pressurized water tank or relies on a low-pressure municipal water system, the NFPA requires the installation of fire pumps. These pumps increase fire suppression system pressure to snuff flames quickly and effectively. Fire pumps should be placed in separate buildings; if this is not possible, they must be installed in fire-resistant rooms with exterior doors.

Control Valves

Fire code compliant commercial buildings also require easily accessible water control valves for emergencies. Stairways are common valve locations. Wherever they are placed, they must be clearly marked and include exterior signs noting the location of every valve. These valves also need adequate protection if they are installed on stairways.


In addition to fire suppression systems, commercial buildings require fire extinguishers, alarms, clearly marked exit signs, and emergency lighting systems. How many extinguishers a building needs depends on its size, location, and number of occupants. Maintain the safety of your building with a high-quality fire suppression system from Fire Protection Specialists. Located in Bangor, WI, this company provides a full suite of fire protection services, including fire safety equipment sales and hood cleaning. Call (800) 658-9463 today to discuss your building’s needs or visit the website for additional information.
