
For many pet owners, meal time is an exciting event for their furry friends. So when animals seem disinterested in what you’re serving them, it’s natural to be concerned. As Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital explains, change in appetite can happen for many different reasons—many of which are not serious. However, since a loss of interest in food can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue, this pet hospital of Southgate, KY, recommends getting familiar with the following information.

Why Won’t My Pet Eat?

pet hospitalCertain health problems–ranging from infections to cancer–can decrease an animal’s appetite. Physical injuries also have an impact, as pain symptoms can minimize any feelings of hunger. Your pet may also be disinterested in eating due to recent stomach problems, especially if they have recently consumed unfamiliar foods or eaten too much. Certain vaccinations may also have a temporary effect on appetite.

Environmental factors also play a role. For example, moving to a new location, switching to new foods, or reconfiguring feeding areas can disorient animals and temporarily discourage them from eating. Stress and anxiety can also cause cats and dogs to place a low priority on eating.     

When Is It Time to Visit a Pet Hospital?

Animals should be brought to a pet hospital after 24 hours of no eating, as they are missing out on life-supporting nutrients and could be dealing with a health problem that requires prompt attention. Possessing in-depth knowledge of animal health, veterinarians can quickly identify potential explanations for the problem and effective, safe solutions for restoring appetite. If your pet is exhibiting other signs of illness, injury, or pain, don’t wait to see if they end up eating on their own–visit a specialist for immediate care.

If your four-legged friend isn’t clearing their dishes, turn to the trusted staff at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital for answers. Providing care to a variety of small and large animals, this clinic has the resources and expertise necessary to pinpoint–and treat–health problems that affect appetite. Through comprehensive wellness testing, this Southgate, KY, pet hospital can also identify nutritional deficiencies and help reshape your companion’s diet to support long-term health. You can find more details about these services online or by calling (859)781-1800.
