
At some point in their life, your dog will probably suffer from diarrhea or vomiting. There are many different causes for these conditions, including overeating, eating or drinking the wrong thing, getting too excited, eating too soon after playing or exercising, and developing minor colds or viruses. According to Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital — a trusted pet hospital in the Southgate, KY, area — many of these conditions will quickly alleviate themselves within 12 hours and can be handled by you.

If your dog is not showing other signs of sickness, you should remove their water and food bowls and keep a close eye on them over the next 24 hours. You can start to give them small amounts of water and bland food once the vomiting or diarrhea subsides. Whenever your dog exhibits other concerning signs of illness, contact your local pet hospital for immediate help as their current issues could be a symptom of much more serious condition.

Dark, Gritty Vomit or Tar-Colored Feces

pet hospitalMonitoring your dog’s behavior means getting a close look at whatever is coming out of them, as it could be the best way for your veterinarian to determine what is wrong. For instance, vomit that appears dark and gritty like coffee grounds could indicate they are experiencing stomach irritation and possible bleeding. Likewise, very dark feces might point to bleeding in the upper intestines.

Mucus-Covered Diarrhea 

The colon is responsible for absorbing excess moisture from stool. When a dog is experiencing unusually watery diarrhea, it could be a sign something is wrong in this area of their body.

Visible Streaks of Red Blood 

When you can plainly spot blood in your dog’s feces, this points to a problem in their lower digestive tract. It might also signal something is not right with their colon or rectum.

To learn about other warning signs that might indicate a problem with your dog’s health, contact Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital today. Dr. Doan and his team are experienced in treating a number of serious conditions and offer emergency appointments to help whenever the unexpected arises. For more information about this pet hospital, you can call (859) 781-1800 or visit their website.
