
Many houses have septic tanks, but that doesn’t mean homeowners think of them frequently. In fact, it’s common to ignore these important waste management systems until something goes wrong. Thankfully, you can prevent issues by performing regular septic maintenance. Below, Price’s Septic Tank Service in Danielsville, GA, shares four questions they frequently answer regarding upkeep.

Commonly Asked Septic Maintenance Questions

What Is the Life Span of My System?

Most residential waste management systems last between 20 and 40 years, depending on their material. Following regular septic maintenance procedures is a crucial part of extending the life of your tank so you get the most out of your investment.

What Shouldn’t I Flush Down the Toilet?

septic maintenance Danielson GAAvoid flushing anything non-organic into your pipes through the drains or toilets. Feminine hygiene products and wipes should be tossed in the trash, even if the packaging says they are septic safe. They may not be compatible with your system, and it’s better to avoid issues than to pay for repairs when a problem could have been prevented.

How Do I Know When I Need Septic Tank Pumping?

It’s a good idea to get a 1,000-gallon tank pumped every three to five years when it’s used in a household of four people. If your home sees heavier use, schedule service more often. Similarly, if the kitchen features a garbage disposal, you’ll need to pump more frequently, as this waste also flows into the septic system.

When Should I Schedule a Septic Tank Inspection?

If you’re looking for a new home, consider getting a septic tank inspection before you move in. This will allow you to learn about the health of the waste management system so you can ask the current owner to make the necessary repairs or perform septic tank maintenance. After that, schedule a professional checkup once a year.

If you need professional assistance with septic maintenance, call Price’s Septic Tank Service at (706) 789-3263. They have been family operated for three generations and pride themselves on offering superior-quality services to their customers. Visit the website for more information. 
