
For most people in the US, morning coffee is essential to wake up and start the day. The benefits of coffee aren’t just in your head; many studies have shown its benefits both in the short and long term. Coffee is great for your body and mind, and here are just a few reasons why.

How Coffee Benefits You

1. Increased Energy

Coffee contains a large amount of caffeine, a stimulant which helps improve alertness. Whether you start work early in the morning or late at night, a cup of joe will give you more energy for the task.

2. Improved Brain Function

Caffeine also blocks chemicals in your brain which slow down your brain function. Adenosine receptors are inhibited when you drink coffee, which leads to an increase in other neurotransmitters and faster brain activity.

Coffee3. Higher Metabolism

If you want to lose weight, start drinking coffee. Depending on how much you drink and how often, caffeine can boost your metabolism by 3-11%, while other components of coffee significantly decrease hunger.

4. Lower Disease Risks

Many of the most life-threatening conditions prevalent today are less likely to affect coffee drinkers. If you drink coffee regularly, you lower your risk of Type II Diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, as well as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

5. Better Mood

Drinking coffee can even make you happier. Women who drink coffee regularly are less likely to experience depression. This can help you focus on your work. 


A cup of coffee with your breakfast is one of the best ways to make sure you’ll perform well at work. It also has significant long-term benefits for your health. Whether you want a quick coffee or a full meal, stop in at Belgian Waffle & Pancake House in Branson, MO. Their delicious, hearty menu includes classic breakfast, lunch, and dinner options to satisfy your cravings. For questions, call (417) 334-8484 or send a message online.
