
As your child’s adult teeth come in, it’s common for their baby teeth to become loose. Many parents wonder if they should pull them to make way for adult ones or let nature take its course. Here, the dentists at Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, explain why letting loose teeth fall out on their own is usually the preferred method.

Teeth Could Be Loose for Other Reasons

dentistWhen a child’s tooth is loose, it might not be due to the eruption of permanent teeth; it could be for other reasons, such as physical trauma. In this case, you might do damage if you attempt to pull it. An infection could occur, or you could harm their permanent teeth. Studies have shown that kids whose baby teeth are knocked out are more likely to experience discoloration of permanent teeth or problems with enamel.

Letting Teeth Fall Out Naturally Is Less Traumatic

Perhaps the best reason to let kids’ teeth come out naturally is because it will be far less traumatic. As a permanent tooth emerges, the roots of the baby tooth are slowly and painlessly dissolved. That means, when the time comes, the tooth will easily fall out on its own. Pulling a tooth too soon can cause pain, as well as result in bleeding. This experience might traumatize your child and create a fear of dental care.

Good dental care must start early to ensure your child’s oral health remains great for life. When it comes to their dental hygiene, you want a pediatric dentist who offers superior service, along with friendly and compassionate care. Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu has provided just that to local families since 1966, which is why so many trust in these dental professionals. Schedule an appointment with a dentist today by calling (808) 593-8828, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
