
Tooth recession, often referred to gum or gingival recession, is a common condition that can affect both the look and health of your smile. The problem occurs when gum tissue recedes, revealing the roots and nerves of the tooth and leaving them unprotected. While the visible effects may seem insignificant at first, Zen Dental Hawaii urges patients to seek treatment at the first warning sign, as receding gums can indicate a much larger problem. To increase awareness of this condition, this Honolulu, HI, dentist explains a few important things to know about tooth recession.

A Complete Guide to Tooth Recession

Why Does It Happen?

Many circumstances can aggravate gum tissue and cause it to pull away from teeth. Most often, the problem is linked to periodontal disease—a chronic gum infection in which bacteria causes tissue to deteriorate. Smoking, tooth grinding, misalignment, braces, and abrasive brushing can also contribute to recession.

What Are the Signs?

dentistUsually, tooth recession can be detected just by looking at your smile. For example, teeth may appear longer, gums can be swollen, and roots might be exposed. In this case, you may notice heightened sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, sugar, and air pressure. In general, it’s best to detect the problem before these signs are even present. Visiting your dentist every six months for a professional cleaning is the best way to have your gum length measured on a regular basis.

How Is the Condition Treated?

If tooth recession is caused by gum disease, catching the problem early on—during a stage known as gingivitis—can simplify treatment. At the gingivitis stage, professional cleaning and treatment can clear up the infection and prevent tissue damage. Your dentist may also recommend a variety of lifestyle changes—such as quitting smoking or switching to a gentler toothbrush—to reduce stress on the gums. For more advanced cases, specialists may perform scaling, root planing, or gum grafting procedures to repair tissue damage.

If you’re experiencing signs of tooth recession or gum disease, Zen Dental Hawaii can provide the immediate care you need to protect your smile from further harm. With advanced tools, this team of experienced dentists can eliminate infections, repair damaged teeth, and restore gum health in the most comfortable way possible. Focused on providing patients with long-term dental care, these specialists will work with you to prevent future problems through comprehensive teeth cleaning and exams. To learn more about how these professionals can support your smile, visit them online. You can also call (808) 532-5888 to schedule a convenient appointment at their friendly dental office in Honolulu, HI.
