
It's never an easy or comfortable thought to consider: prematurely dying and leaving one's children without a parent. When it comes to estate planning, however, difficult tasks like these are necessary to designing the plans that best protect your family, your estate, and your legacy. Below are three tips to help you designate the right guardian to care for your child in the event of a tragedy.

3 Tips for Choosing Your Child's Guardian

1. Write Down the Qualities You Want the Guardian to Have

We all have our own ideas about what constitutes an ideal parent. This is an opportunity to find someone in your life who has all the qualities most important to you; someone whose personality, temperament, and principles you find admirable. Once you've compiled a list of qualities you'd want your child’s guardian to have, look at the people in your life and compare them to your list. Who close to you has the most qualities on your list?

2. Look Outside Your Immediate Family

guardianDon't feel pressured to appoint a guardian simply on a next-of-kin basis. There's no law stating you have to do this, even though many choose to nominate their parents or siblings. You are given free rein to look at everyone in your life, not just the immediate family. Consider your circle of friends, your extended family, and your mentors.

3. Tell Them First

Before you make everything official in your estate plans, you want to discuss your decision with the person you choose as guardian. Essentially, you should get their permission before making anything formal or legally binding. Just clear your plans with them, ensure they are onboard, and be ready to answer any questions they might have. This keeps everyone on the same page and avoids a lot of unnecessary upheaval should the terms of the guardianship ever need to be enacted.


If you need to make guardianship provisions in your estate plans, trust the lawyers at Ng & Niebling. For over four decades, they have been serving clients in the Honolulu, HI, region. Call (808) 732-7788 or visit them online to make an appointment today.
