
Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or simply reviewing your coverage, it’s important to know the exact protection your insurance offers you. Although specifics may differ from provider to provider, Accredited Insurance Group in Omaha, NE, notes that there are basic areas of coverage associated with every standard homeowner’s insurance policy.

home insuranceThe biggest area of protection is the dwelling itself. If your home experiences property damage from a fire, certain natural disasters, or other type of accident, your home insurance should cover most repair costs. In addition to the main home, your insurance should also cover damage that may have affected external structures, such as detached garages or sheds.

If your belongings are damaged in an event or are stolen, your personal property should also be covered—up to a certain amount—by a standard insurance policy. This may include furniture, electronics, appliances, jewelry, and other items of value.

Interestingly, a home insurance policy doesn’t just offer protection for the physical items within your home. It should also cover expenses associated with bodily injury that happens on your property. This bodily injury liability is designed to pay for medical expenses as well as legal fees that may be part of a lawsuit.

If you have to leave your home as a result of extenuating damage that makes the property unsafe, your insurance policy should be able to help. Under additional living expense coverage, your food, shelter, and other basic needs may be covered while you are away from your home. There is a limit to this type of coverage, however, so check with your insurance agency if you’re worried about extensive costs.

It’s also important to ask your agent about the types of damage that your home insurance covers. For example, damage associated with flooding or earthquake may require you to purchase additional coverage.

If you are missing out on essential coverage or are looking for more affordable home insurance in Omaha, the experts at Accredited Insurance Group can help you build a policy that works for your specific needs. Call the team at (402) 334-1780 to discuss your options, and follow them on Facebook for more information.
