
Regardless of the kind of residence you live in, you should care enough about your investment to make sure it’s properly protected in the event of a disaster. While it may not always be required to have coverage on a mobile or manufactured home, it’s important to consider the financial toll it could take on you and your family if a sudden catastrophe were to occur. That’s why it’s just as essential to purchase home insurance on a mobile or manufactured dwelling as it is for a traditional construction. Accredited Insurance Group understands the insurance requirements of this particular type of property owner and works closely with Omaha, NE, residents to find a policy that is suitable to their needs and budget. During the shopping process, the insurance agency provides homeowners with all the information necessary to choose the right options.

home insurance

Insuring a mobile or manufactured residence follows the same fundamentals as a standard home insurance policy. This means it will cover damage to the physical structure, theft of your personal belongings, and liability should someone get injured on your property or you cause damage to someone else’s property. 

However, there are also a few other things to take into consideration when choosing coverage. For mobile homes, insurance providers tend to see some additional risk due to their ability to move and their vulnerability to fire and wind damage. Because of this, your insurance agent may need to make adjustments to your policy or advise you on adding provisions to cover these specific aspects.

If you don’t have home insurance to cover your mobile or manufactured dwelling, you could face significant financial hardship in the wake of a disaster. Contact Accredited Insurance Group at (402) 334-1780 to request a quote, or visit them on Facebook to learn more. 
