
Toothaches can range from dull to excruciating pain, and it’s important to understand the causes. According to the staff at Stafford Dental Associates in Stafford Springs, CT, toothaches can signal different underlying dental problems, and recognizing the origin can help you seek the right treatment. Read on to learn about if your case warrants a trip to the family dentist or just an ice pack.

3 Common Causes of Toothaches

1. Sensitivity

family-dentist-stafford-dental-associatesIf you have sensitive teeth, then you’ve probably experienced slight pain when eating hot or cold foods, which can lead to a toothache. In most cases, they aren’t severe and don’t last very long. However, their frequency can become a nuisance. Regardless, you should bring it to the attention of your family dentist at your next visit. As your enamel erodes, your teeth become more susceptible to decay, and it’s important to determine if teeth grinding is causing the sensitivity. 

2. Decay

The most common cause of toothaches is the onset or advancement of tooth decay. As plaque builds on the teeth and bacteria begin to eat into your enamel, the sensitive dentin and inner areas of your tooth are exposed, and cavities begin to form. Without treatment, they can become a constant source of pain and eventually lead to more severe dental conditions. Don’t wait to alert your dentist if you experience sudden or acute pain, as the decay needs immediate attention.

3. Tooth Abscess

When gum disease, tooth decay, and other serious dental conditions are left untreated, abscesses can develop in a tooth’s root. This infection causes constant pain and is a dental emergency. When untreated, it can cause bone and tissue loss, and eventually, the loss of the tooth. Make sure you have an emergency dentist on hand if your family dentist isn’t always available.

If you’re dealing with a toothache, turn to the staff at Stafford Dental Associates. They offer comprehensive treatment and dental procedures, and their staff is committed to helping patients maintain a healthy mouth. Call (860) 684-5296 today to schedule an appointment and visit their website and Facebook to learn more about their oral surgery services.
