
The experienced and trusted staff at Stafford Dental Associates in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, have been helping patients improve their overall oral health for the last 30 years. From teeth whitening to complicated oral surgery, their experts are well-known throughout Connecticut for providing top-notch dental procedures and care. They can also help detect and treat patients suffering from oral cancer. 

Here is a basic overview of oral cancer from the dental professionals at Stafford Dental Associates:

  • Basics & Risk Factors: Oral cancer is cancer that occurs in any part of the mouth, including the tongue, lips, and throat. Oral cancer comes in two different forms. One is oropharyngeal cancer which spreads from the throat; the other is oral cavity cancer that spreads from the mouth. Smokers, chewing tobacco users, excessive alcohol drinkers, and those who are excessively exposed to the sun have a higher risk of contracting oral cancer.

    Stafford Dental Associates

  • Signs Of Oral Cancer: Some common signs of oral cancer include swelling, lumps and bumps, rough spots or eroded areas on any part of the mouth, throat, or lips, and the development of white, red, or speckled patches in the mouth. Other signs of oral cancer are unexplained bleeding or numbness, difficulty eating and swallowing, and persistent sores that do not heal for more than two weeks.
  • Treatment Options: Oral cancer, much like other cancers, can be treated with surgery to remove the cancerous growth. Following this oral surgery, radiation therapy or drug treatments may be used to destroy any remaining cancerous cells. 

To prevent oral cancer, it’s important to see your dentist regularly. Take steps to minimize your risk but not drinking or smoking cigarettes in excess and protecting your skin if you are often in the sun.

If you’re looking for an experienced dentist who specializes in oral surgery, dental implants, and crowns, call Stafford Dental Associates in Stafford Springs, Connecticut today at (860) 684-5296 to schedule your next appointment. For more information on their services and commitment to patient health, be sure to visit their website.
