
Although a well-maintained exterior certainly increases the curbside value of your home, the inside is what you see every day, and a proper interior paint job serves to enhance your surroundings. Experts at Fairbanks Paint & Glass in Alaska is experienced in this area and has several suggestions for approaching the painting process.

A Brief Introduction to Interior Painting

Select Materials

Interior paintWhat paint you choose depends not only on the color, but also its consistency and the texture of your existing walls. While latex-based varieties tend to be longer lasting, alkyd paints are more stain-resistant and are perfect for high-traffic areas like kitchens or bathrooms. Alkyd also tends to work well on wood surfaces, whereas walls are best served by latex paints.

Prepare the Surface

Depending on the surface you're working with, there are a few different ways to prep it. If you're painting on top of an existing color, it's important to remove any loose paint and scrub the wall thoroughly to remove dust or debris before applying primer. If you're dealing with woodwork, make sure to fill in nail holes, divots, or cracks with patching paste, as any inconsistency can cause the final paint job to appear messy and uneven.

Address the Space

Clear the room as much as possible—remove any wall-hangings or furniture and use cloths to cover anything that will remain. Tape off the woodwork to create clean lines, lay down tarps to protect the floor, and wrap any light fixtures or hardware in plastic. It’s also wise to open doors and windows to increase ventilation as you paint.

These tips are excellent for homeowners looking to paint an accent wall or pursue other minimal jobs. When it comes to more involved projects, Fairbanks Paint & Glass has you covered. They provide some of the best materials for interior and exterior paint as well as spraying equipment. For businesses, they even do work on commercial storefronts, including glass repair, installation, and fabrication. To speak with a sales representative, call (907) 456-7758. Or, visit their website for more information. 
