
Your household septic system plays an important role in eliminating wastewater from your property. If it malfunctions, it’s critical to address the problem quickly so that it doesn’t become worse and create possible health hazards. To help you avoid emergency repairs, the team at S & S Pumping, based in Merriam Woods, MO, shares valuable septic maintenance tips for your system.

3 Basics of Septic Maintenance

1. Dispose of Waste Properly

Take extra precaution to flush only human waste and toilet paper. Other items, such as cotton, baby wipes, food, or plastic, could easily create a stubborn clog that will lead to a major septic system problem. Similarly, don’t allow heavy greases, fats, and oils to run down the sink drain. They can congeal and cause heavy blockages.

2. Conserve Water

septic maintenanceIt’s fine to use your household water supply, but the more you conserve, the less work your septic system is required to perform. That means less maintenance overall, too. Water-saving products, such as showerheads and high-efficiency toilets, can make an enormous difference.

3. Pump Regularly

Regular septic tank pumping is essential to your unit’s overall health. Ideally, the system should be pumped every three to five years. This depends largely on how much it’s used, a factor that your septic maintenance company can help you determine. If you neglect this step, the solid waste at the bottom may build up and take up space that would otherwise be used to filter wastewater to the drain field.

Follow these septic maintenance precautions to ensure you’re doing everything possible to extend your system’s life span. If you experience an issue or would like to schedule a septic tank pumping appointment, get in touch with the team at S & S Pumping. They’ll identify and resolve any problem with efficiency — before it becomes worse. Visit the septic service’s website to learn more or call (417) 546-2390.
