
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, most household septic systems should be inspected at least every three years by a professional. In between visits, it’s imperative that homeowners keep tabs on their septic tanks and ensure their wastewater treatment systems are running smoothly. Here, the experts at S & S Pumping in Forsyth, MO, offer some helpful tips for you to share with your family about maintaining your septic system.

3 Items to Keep Out of Your Sink Drain When Using a Septic System

1. Oil & Grease

Septic SystemOils and grease tend to clog drains and back up plumbing systems. To prevent mishaps, pour oils and grease fats produced when cooking meat into a container you can throw away. If your septic system becomes clogged with oils, you might have to pay for costly repairs or replace the entire system.

2. Harsh Household Cleaners, Chemicals, & Paints

Most septic systems function best on a balance of healthy bacteria colonies that decompose organic waste. Products such as antibacterial soap, bleach, drain cleaners, antifreeze, and oil and latex paints destroy friendly bacteria, upsetting the balance of the septic tank and preventing it from breaking down waste. Use biodegradable cleaners and products made exclusively for septic systems to reduce the risk of malfunctions.

3. Food Scraps

Many foods can’t be broken down by septic tanks, so you want to avoid sending them down the drain. To avoid clogs, clean plates thoroughly over the trash can before setting them in the sink. This includes coffee grounds, egg shells, rice, pasta, and random food scraps. If you garden, consider composting your organic kitchen scraps. Compost will make a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your flowers and plants. Storing a designated compost can next to the sink will make for easy cleanup after meals.

When you need septic system installation and maintenance, look to S & S Pumping of the Greater Taney County area. To schedule a consultation, call (417) 546-2390. Visit their website to learn more about their superior septic services.
