
Most parents will experience several emergencies while their kids are growing up. From trips to the doctor with high fevers to a broken bone or two, these events are often unavoidable parts of childhood. Along with these common emergencies come potential dental care issues that may require immediate action. Below, Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, shares three childhood issues that should make you consider heading straight to your pediatric dentist.

What Childhood Dental Care Emergencies Could Parents Encounter?

1. Bleeding Gums

When your children brush their teeth, do their gums bleed? If so, don’t panic. The cause may be as simple as using a brush with too-hard bristles, or your child may have a periodontal disease that is weakening the gum tissues. Call your regular pediatric dental care provider to see if they think you should bring your child in for a checkup.

2. Tooth Trauma

dental careThere are many potential ways your kids can traumatize their teeth. Common causes run from sports injuries, bike accidents, or tripping. Tooth trauma ranges from a chipped or cracked tooth to the loss of permanent teeth. In the event of tooth trauma, go to your children’s dental care provider right away. They’ll assess the damage and provide a solution to mitigate pain and further damage.

3. Teeth Pain

As children gain their baby teeth and then again transition to their permanent set, they are going to experience some pain. Parents can help ease the ache with warm washcloths, iced teething toys, and pediatric medicine. However, if tooth pain occurs suddenly or is extreme, call your dentist for assistance. 

Good dental hygiene can prevent some dental emergencies, but those sudden cases of tooth trauma, pain, or bleeding can require immediate dental care. Call Pediatric Dental Group at (808) 593-8828, or visit the website to learn about their unique child-friendly environment and pediatric dentists who can help with both immediate dental needs and regular care.
