
For parents of babies, the six-month marker can be a dreaded one, as it’s usually the time that teething starts. Although a lot of fussing happens as baby teeth grow in, it all happens for important reasons. In fact, Pediatric Dental Group, a children’s dental care specialist in Honolulu, HI, explains that your child’s development depends on baby teeth, even if they do eventually fall out.

What Baby Teeth Do & Why Early Dental Care Counts

Big Kid Eating

dental careAs your child grows, getting all the right nutrients is essential.  But, to achieve a fully nutritional diet, children must transition away from baby food and breast milk and begin to eat soft and solid foods. Baby teeth help accomplish this stage of development, as they help little ones chew food effectively.  

Figuring Out First Words

Speech is such an important part of how children learn a language and develop communication skills. While they may be tiny, baby teeth play a vital role in helping young ones learn how to speak properly. Specifically, they interact with the tongue and lips to create a vessel for sound and the creation of words.

Holding a Place for Tomorrow’s Teeth

One of the most crucial reasons that baby teeth exist is to hold a spot in the gums for permanent teeth until they grow in.  If a baby tooth falls out too early, it can compromise the structure and cause adult teeth to come in crooked.

To reap all these benefits, parents must start their baby on a dental hygiene regimen to protect the baby teeth. Before they grow in, parents can help by gently wiping gums clean with a wet cloth. Once the first tooth appears, parents should start lightly brushing with an appropriately-sized toothbrush and a pea-size amount of fluoride toothpaste.

It’s also important to schedule an appointment with a baby dentist before your child’s first birthday to review dental care. Serving the Honolulu community since 1966, Pediatric Dental Group is trusted by parents to help children establish great oral health from the start. To set up your first visit, call this friendly office at (808) 593-8828, or visit them online.
