
If you’re the owner of a cat or a dog, you probably spend a lot of time pampering your furry friend. The veterinarians at O’Fallon Veterinary Medical Center want to help you take that care a step further by being the most responsible pet owner possible. They provide not only top-notch veterinary services but excellent advice, including answers to frequently asked questions about dog and cat ownership.

A Veterinarian Answers Dog & Cat FAQs

Is Vaccination Necessary?

Vaccinations are essential to protect your pet from severe and potentially life-threatening diseases. Pet vaccinations are broken down into two categories: core and noncore. The former group is important for every pet to receive and includes rabies and distemper inoculations, among others specific to cats and dogs. Noncore vaccines are advised based on your pet's lifestyle and can protect them from exposure to risks like kennel cough and Lyme disease.

How Often Should Pets See a Veterinarian?

O'Fallon, MO veterinarianThe frequency of visits to a veterinarian is largely dependent on your pet’s age. Kittens and puppies must come in for vaccinations every three weeks until they’re 16 weeks old.  Veterinarians recommend bringing your pet in every year after that for a physical, though older pets might benefit from biannual visits.

When Is a Situation an Emergency?

Your dog or cat could require emergency veterinary services in a variety of situations. If your pet has been exposed to a chemical, such as a household cleaner, paint, or antifreeze, you must seek help immediately. It’s also important to visit the emergency unit at the animal hospital if your pet has been vomiting more than a day, suddenly can’t move part of its body, or is struggling to breathe.

What Is Normal Behavior?

Your veterinarian can offer valuable insight if you’re concerned about your pet’s activities. For example, does your dog bark a lot? Is your cat marking areas with urine? Does your pet seem oddly aggressive?  A professional will suggest possible treatments or direct you to a specialist or trainer who can identify and solve behavioral issues.

It’s smart to come to an animal hospital armed with a list of questions specific to your pet. Whether you’re concerned about behavior, health, or basic care, your veterinarian will provide answers. If you live in the O’Fallon area and own a dog or cat, turn to O’Fallon Veterinary Medical Center for the best pet care. Visit their website to learn more about their services and call (636) 272-3100 to schedule an appointment.
