
Are you wondering how to freshen up your breath without spending a small fortune on chewing gum? The truth is that focusing on better lifestyle habits, avoiding certain foods, and keeping your teeth healthy and strong through proper dental care can help you to ward off bad breath. The dentists from the Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, want to teach proper dental care and help you avoid these causes of bad breath.

Three Reasons Of Bad Breath

1. Poor Oral Hygiene

When you don’t brush and floss properly, tiny food particles can linger in your mouth and feed bacteria that produce stinky volatile organic compounds. Since oral infections and tooth decay can also cause bad breath, regular appointments with the Pediatric Dental Group can also help you to keep your breath smelling great. To prevent bad breath and keep your teeth healthy, the American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth and tongue twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, rinsing with clean water, flossing daily to remove grime that has accumulated between the teeth, and, of course, meeting with your dentist biannually for teeth cleaning and dental exams.

2. Aromatic Foods

Health CareAromatic foods that contain strong spices, onions, or garlic can leave oils in the mouth that can affect the way that breath smells for hours.  Some of these veggies and herbs produce cysteine sulfoxide, which creates sulfuric compounds that cause bad breath. To prevent bad breath, avoid aromatic foods or be prepared to brush and floss after your meal.

3. Smoking

Smoking can do more than damage your teeth whitening efforts. In addition to reducing blood flow to your oral tissues and harming dental implants, smoking can also leave behind residues that cause bad breath. To protect your oral health and to prevent offensive odors, stop smoking as soon as possible.

Don’t live each day wondering if your breath is offending the people around you. With better dental care habits and a focus on avoiding bad-breath culprits, you can keep your breath fresh and clean. For more information, reach out to the Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, by calling (808) 593-8828 or visiting them online.

