
If only saving on energy bills were as easy as switching on the air conditioner. When you need relief during those hot summer months, it’s your only solution. Thankfully, the AC repair experts at Baker, Bauer & Fish Cooling & Heating have some helpful tips on reducing your energy bills. The company has provided affordable services to residents of Cincinnati, OH, for over 60 years.

AC repairYour air conditioner uses more electricity than most appliances in your home. During warmer periods of the year, you use it more often—which results in elevated electric bills. There are ways to reduce the bill without sacrificing your comfort. Here are some valuable tips from Baker, Bauer & Fish Cooling & Heating’s AC repair professionals:

  • Filter: Make sure your air conditioner’s filter is changed regularly—every three months, at least. Clogged filters make your AC unit work harder, thereby employing more energy.
  • Temperature: Many of us have a certain optimal temperature that we prefer during summer. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, setting the thermostat to 78 degrees while you’re at home can offer savings of up to 10% on your energy bill. When you leave the house, turn it up even higher.
  • Installation: If you live in a smaller space, you may not require a whole home air conditioning unit. When considering an air conditioner installation project, think about using a single-room window unit. These use much less energy while still keeping the area cool. This may also be a good option if you rarely use the AC and spend more time in one specific part of the house.
  • Checkups: Get in touch with your local AC repair company to schedule a service call. A dual cooling and heating contractor is your best bet, as they’ll pinpoint problems with both systems and save you money if there’s a problem.
  • Blinds: Keep your blinds and window shades down during the day. This will prevent the sun from filtering through and making you feel even warmer.
  • Fan: Many cooling and heating contractors will tell you how valuable it is to own a fan. Instead of kicking up the temperature every time you feel hot, simply turn the fan on to cool down. They use less electricity than HVAC units, and you can turn them off when you leave the room.

Dealing with AC and heating repair problems can be stressful—and so can those over-the-top energy bills. With Baker, Bauer & Fish Cooling & Heating available to provide quality service when you need it, you can count on enjoying a cooler, more affordable summer. For more information, visit the website, or call (513) 542-2770.
