
With hot summers and sub-freezing winters, Cincinnati weather can expose your climate control system to both extremes. With this in mind, it's crucial to get annual service on both your heating components and your cooling system. Baker, Bauer & Fish Cooling & Heating has been providing both heating and AC repair for more than 60 years and wants customers to understand why a semi-annual service agreement is so important to year-round climate control.

While many other companies sell "service agreements" that function as little more than insurance policies, the phrase means something entirely different with your heating contractor. The manufacturer's warranty on new HVAC equipment often requires annual service on the equipment in order to remain valid. The service agreement, maintenance agreement, or Energy Savings Plan you make with an AC or heating repair professional details how this servicing will be carried out.This is very similar to your new car warranty. If you don't change the oil, there is no warranty.

While a service agreement allows you to protect your investment, its real value is in making sure you get the most from it. Throughout the year, exposure will take its toll on components of your system, creating a need for calibration, adjustment, lubrication, and cleaning from a qualified AC or heating contractor. While performing the routine maintenance, the technician is also checking for minor problems. While these problems can start small, a lack of expert attention could allow them to compound into much larger challenges. Additionally, if you have a gas heating system, you're at risk of leaks that can lead to deadly CO poisoning. The small upfront investment in a service agreement can be nothing short of lifesaving.

Protect your investment and your quality of life with an AC and heating repair service agreement from Baker, Bauer & Fish Cooling & Heating. Call (513) 542-2770, or visit them online to learn more.
