
Losing a loved one at the hands of a drunk driver is a devastating experience. As you grieve and heal, it's important to remember that there are legal options available to protect the deceased's family members. Shayla Reed of Reed Law Offices in Omaha, NE, is a skilled injury attorney dedicated to getting the best possible results for victims of vehicle accidents, nursing home neglect, and wrongful death. 

Here she shares three important things to know about wrongful death cases caused by drunk driving.

  • You Can File A Civil Lawsuit: Family members of those killed by a drunk driver will understandably need time and resources to effectively move forward with their lives. By seeing an automobile accident attorney and filing a civil lawsuit against the party responsible for the accident, you are taking steps to ensure that the surviving family has some measure of financial stability. Attorney Reed will work with you to file a wrongful death civil suit that gets you the compensation you need.
  • Wrongful Death Compensation Varies By Circumstance & State: There is no set amount that you can be awarded in a wrongful death suit. Compensation depends on the circumstances of the case and the state in which it occurred. For example, in the state of Nebraska, no punitive damages are allowed in any case, so those seeking compensation as a punishment or deterrent have no legal recourse. They can still sue for economic and non-economic damages, however.
  • wrongful deathYou Can Seek Compensation For Financial & Emotional Strain: While punitive damages may not be an option, you are still entitled to seek compensation for things like outstanding medical bills, funeral costs, and pain and suffering. Your car accident attorney at Reed Law Offices will help you devise a strategy that encompasses your goals for the case, and she will be your voice throughout the legal process as you set out to win the compensation you are due.

Call Reed Law Offices at (402) 933-0588 or visit them online to schedule a free initial consultation with an automobile accident attorney. Don't let the financial pressures of a wrongful death case weigh you down. Take action against the responsible parties and enlist Attorney Reed's help today.
