
Ants are a common problem in households. You might find them lingering in corners in search of food. Each type has its own characteristics, and knowing how to identify these traits can help with pest control. Below are common ants you might find in your home.

What Types of Ants Can You Find Indoors?

1. Pavement Ant

Dark brown pavement ants dig their nests underground, creating conical mounds near driveways, sidewalks, and concrete slabs. They typically look for food around 30 feet from their nests and seek out grease, seeds, sweets, and plant roots. While they prefer the outdoors, they’ll head inside for sustenance and may sting people. Their bite is harmless, and their nests are easy to spot for pest control.

2. Odorous House Ant

These brownish-black ants are an eighth of an inch and often mistaken for the pavement ant. However, when squashed, they release a pungent odor. Like the pavement ant, they make their nests outside but head inside for sweets, plants, fruits, meat, and dairy. They can also withstand extreme temperatures.

3. Carpenter Ant

pest control

Carpenter ants get their name for burrowing into tree trunks and window and door frames. While their main nests are outdoors, they often form smaller satellite nests indoors and gravitate towards plumbing pipes. Piles of sawdust and dead ants indicate you have carpenter ants since they push waste out of the nest. This black and sometimes dark reddish-brown species is the largest in size. They also like sweets, grease, and meat. 

4. Honey Ant

Found under concrete slabs, flooring, and inside walls, the honey ant is about an eighth of an inch in size. They prefer cooler temperatures and sweets like honey and plant juices. Dark in color, honey ants usually disappear when the summer heat rolls in, but they will take up residence until the end of spring.

5. Yellow Ant

The yellow ant, also known as the citronella ant, emits a citrusy odor when squished. Growing up to a quarter of an inch in length, these ants are night foragers and craft their nests under concrete slabs and crawlspaces. In winter, their colonies will move inside to warmer temperatures, and there might be soil piles near their nest entrance. Yellow ants do not seek out human food and prefer plant sap.


If you need ant control in Southwestern Illinois, call Garella Pest Service. Located in Edwardsville and serving the metropolitan areas of Macoupin, Madison, Montgomery, Jersey, Greene and St. Clair counties, this pest control company has been providing exterminator services since 1945. Their knowledgeable and reliable technicians can help with any pest control needs. Call (618) 635-7378 for a quote or visit them online to learn more about their services.
