
It’s common for some individuals and couples to experience challenges while trying to conceive. Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, and in vitro fertilization, or IVF treatments, are designed to address infertility issues to make it easier to have a family. To determine which solution is best suited for your needs, here’s a closer look at the two.


First, a woman takes synthetic hormones to prompt her ovaries to create several eggs during a cycle. The eggs will be retrieved just before ovulation at the doctor’s office, where they’ll be fertilized by sperm from her partner or a donor. All of the resulting embryos are then placed in the uterus.

IVF treatmentIVF treatment is often suggested if there are fallopian tube obstructions that block embryo movement to the uterus, it’s difficult to produce eggs naturally, or the sperm count is low. The embryos can also be implanted in a surrogate to help a woman with uterine fibroids and other fertility issues have a child.


Unlike an IVF treatment, the eggs aren’t removed from the uterus for insemination in a lab. Instead, a clean sperm sample is inserted directly in the uterus so that it can travel to the fallopian tubes and find an egg.

This procedure is often performed when there’s low sperm mobility, acidic cervical mucus that’s hostile to sperm, and scar tissue that affects the sperm’s ability to move inside the uterus. The procedure isn’t recommended for individuals with endometriosis or severe fallopian tube damage.


To find out whether you’re a good candidate for these fertility procedures, turn to the professionals at IVF HAWAII in Honolulu. This clinic has the highest IVF success rate in the state, and the doctors will create a custom treatment plan to help you have a child safely. Visit the website to get more information about how they can help you conceive, or call (808) 538-6655 to schedule an appointment.
