
Ohio winters feature chilling temperatures and considerable snow, and you should spend some time on auto maintenance tasks so that your vehicle is ready. Car trouble is unpleasant at any time of year, and a winter breakdown can leave you stranded for a considerable period. Below are several strategies so that you can travel safely during this season.

What Should You Do Before the Winter?

1. Test the Battery

Freezing temperatures slow the chemical reactions inside a car battery, and aging batteries are particularly susceptible to this issue. The  average life of a battery is four to six years, and if yours is approaching this age, a cold night may sap the charge entirely.

Before the temperature drops too much, test the battery with a voltmeter so that you can buy a new one, if necessary. On a fully charged battery, the voltmeter should read between 12.4 and 12.8 volts. If it’s less than that, keep testing it regularly. If it reaches below 9.6, replace the battery.

2. Install Winter Tires

auto maintenanceIf you regularly drive when snow covers the road and the temperature is below 40 degrees, consider winter tires. These tires utilize a softer rubber, allowing them to flex in the cold. They also feature deeper, wider tread patterns so that slush and snow can escape from beneath the tire.

In addition, they have fine siping, which is a pattern of tiny incisions in the rubber to give the tires better grip on ice. However, you should replace them with summer tires once the season is over, as the warmer pavement will wear out winter models quickly, reducing your fuel economy.

3. Carry an Emergency Kit

A winter emergency kit is a necessity if you experience a breakdown. When creating one, keep blankets and spare winter clothing so that you can stay warm while waiting for a tow truck. Also, jumper cables are useful if the battery dies and road flares alert other drivers to the issue, especially during storms.

For other emergencies, keep first aid supplies, bottled water, and non-perishable food on hand. If possible, place these items in a sealed container in the backseat of the vehicle. This will ensure you do not have to leave the car to retrieve them.


For all your winter auto maintenance needs, stop by Top Quality Auto Parts & Accessories Inc. in Chillicothe, OH. They have been serving Ross County and the surrounding area for more than 20 years, offering everything from regular oil changes and brake service to strut repair. Visit the website for more information about their services, or call (740) 775-8111 to speak to a team member about your auto maintenance needs.
