
Producing healthy crops depends on several factors, but few are as important as the pH balance of the soil. Unfortunately, agricultural activity, erosion, and organic matter decomposition can make soil overly acidic over time. Spreading aggregate lime, or calcium carbonate, is a simple and effective way of restoring balance and increasing next year’s yield. Below are just a few benefits of spreading this material.

What Are the Advantages of Aggregate Lime?

1. Making the Soil pH-Neutral

High levels of iron, aluminum, and manganese often mean that the soil is lacking in other vital nutrients, like calcium and magnesium, resulting in overall acidic soil. This can make it difficult for plants to develop strong roots, resist disease, and flourish during the growing season.

When aggregate lime dissolves, it adds more basic elements to the ground. The resulting chemical reactions also produce water and carbon dioxide, both of which are necessary for healthy plant growth.

2. Adding Nutrients

aggregate limeAggregate lime also introduces calcium, a vital nutrient that can be directly absorbed by plants. Calcium strengthens the walls of the cells and helps plants absorb nitrogen and other nutrients more efficiently. Over time, aglime application can reduce your need for fertilizers, which cuts costs and helps preserve the life-supporting potential of the land.

3. Increasing Moisture Preservation

Compared to other minerals, calcium carbonate molecules are very large. When they dissolve, these molecules leave gaps in the soil, creating pores that can be filled with water, which is beneficial to plants. Loose soil also makes it easier for new roots to take hold.


Since 1959, LP Stewart & Sons Inc. has provided Lincoln, NE, farmers with aggregate lime and other agricultural products. Their team will help with every step of the process—from testing the soil to determine your needs to spreading the product. Visit their website to learn more about their specialized services, get more tips and advice on Facebook, or call (402) 423-5676 to schedule a delivery today.
