
The windows in your home provide functional and aesthetic benefits to your property. However, even durable vinyl windows can experience damage, and depending on the extent, you may need to have a window contractor replace them. If you want to protect these features, below are some of the most frequent reasons that they break so that you can prepare.

What Issues Can Damage Vinyl Windows?

1. Moisture Problems

Compared to traditional wood frames, vinyl windows won’t rot due to moisture. However, water can still cause other issues with these systems. For example, prolonged exposure to water from an overflowing gutter may compromise the seal, allowing the moisture inside your home.

If you have double-pane windows, the water can even leak between them, creating fog and condensation that impacts the energy-efficiency of your home. However, if you catch this issue early, a window contractor can reseal the frame and repair the source of moisture exposure.

2. Forceful Impact

window contractorWhether high winds send tree branches flying or a neighbor throws a baseball in the wrong direction, hard objects can crack your windows. Without prompt attention, these cracks will worsen, especially after sudden temperature changes. Eventually, this damage can compromise the integrity of the glass, allowing air to leak from your home.

If the crack is minor and less than 1 inch long, a window contractor can usually repair the damage. However, if the crack is larger or the glass begins to shatter, you will need to replace the entire pane.

3.Worn Weatherstripping

Whenever you open a sliding or casement window, the movement can degrade the weatherstripping around the frame. This rubber barrier is what insulates the home, preventing water, pests, and outside air from entering. This component can also crack due to high heat, as it forces the rubber to expand.

Generally, you should replace the weatherstripping every three to five years. However, you should check the materials every year and look for any visible compression or damage. Failing to replace the rubber can allow water to leak inside, contributing to mold growth.


When window problems arise, contact NuVue Products in Cincinnati, OH. This local business installs, repairs, and replaces vinyl windows in a timely and affordable fashion. They use high-quality products so that your home is as functional as it is beautiful. Visit this window contractor online to learn more about their services. Call (513) 631-1801 to speak to a team member about your needs.
