
Brushing and flossing teeth are vital dental care habits that are very commonly done in an ineffective manner. Because of this, the children's dentists at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala: Allen K. Hirai, DDS of Honolulu, HI, want to inform both parents and children on proper dental care. They are here to share some basic flossing and brushing information that everyone should know to prevent long-term dental problems.

Flossing doesn't get the same amount of clout that brushing does, it is equally as important as brushing. While most kids are more likely to brush on a daily basis rather than remember to floss, Pediatric Dentistry Kahala: Allen K. Hirai, DDS strongly urges parents to teach their children how vital flossing every day is. When flossing isn't part of the daily routine, it will lead to bacteria buildup and eventually gum disease.

Aside from daily flossing, brushing should be done every morning and evening. Brushing teeth should be done in a gentle manner with a soft-bristled brush. Teach children to brush their teeth in a circular motion to remove any food buildup. Pediatric Dentistry Kahala: Allen K. Hirai, DDS is happy to speak to children about proper brushing techniques at their next dental checkup.

To schedule a routine dental exam for the kids and to learn more about brushing and flossing, call the pediatric dentists at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala: Allen K. Hirai, DDS today at (808) 737-0076. For additional information on all of their dental services, visit their website, and like them on Facebook.
