
Trees can serve as eye-catching landscape features and practical shade-casters. However, if you plant them too close to the home, they could be a detriment to your property. Here are a few reasons why you should leave some distance between these majestic plants and the perimeter of your home, and why you might need to turn to tree removal services if some are too close.

Why Planting Trees Close to a House Is Problematic

1. Clogged Gutters

If a tree is close enough to your property, its branches will grow and hang over the roof or the gutter system. As time passes, leaves, twigs, and nuts from the boughs will trickle down the roof and into the gutters, forming dense and stubborn clogs. This will prevent water from draining into the gutters and downspouts. Instead, the liquid will overflow the channels, running down the side of your house.

This could saturate the soil around the base of a home, leading to basement flooding or foundation cracks. To stop this chain of events, you should plant trees at least 20 feet away from the home.

2. Damage to the Home’s Exterior

tree removalWhile gutter clogs can gradually evolve into serious property damage, trees can also cause immediate damage to your home due to harsh winds. The gusts could knock the boughs into the side of the structure, scratching or staining the siding, or even breaking the windows. Weak branches on trees towering over a house can break and fall onto the roof during a storm. This could scrape away shingles or tear flashing, leading to expensive roof leaks. 

3. Root Problems

Another issue with tree location is found underground. Tree roots are capable of growing as wide as the tree is tall, forming intricate networks beneath your yard. If they are too close to the home, these strong roots could puncture underground utility lines.

From plumbing pipes to natural gas and electric cables, plant roots are capable of causing permanent damage to these essential systems. They could even disrupt the soil underneath your home’s foundation, compromising its structural stability. Prevent the need for repairs or tree removal by planting them a proper distance away from the building.


If you’re facing any of these issues, turn to the reliable team at Morehouse Logging LLC for safe and efficient tree removal services. This Thornville, OH, company was founded by Kevin Morehouse in 1991, and he is proud to bring 27 years of lot clearing experience to every job. They tend to residential and commercial projects and offer tree trimming and pruning and stump grinding and removal services. Visit them online to learn more about their skills, and call (740) 501-0256 to arrange for a free estimate.
