
If a window in your house is broken, staying calm and cleaning up the area is the best way to address the issue and move forward. The presence of glass can be intimidating, so here are a few ways you can handle the situation effectively and carefully.

How to Safely Handle a Broken Window

1. Block Off the Area

This step is especially important if you have kids or pets, as they may unknowingly injure themselves on a hard-to-notice piece of glass. Make an obvious blockade around the area by relocating chairs and furniture to create a perimeter. Tell each family member of the accident so that they know to stay away, and secure pets safely in a crate or another room until the hazard is resolved.

2. Remove the Shards

windowsClear the broken pieces of glass with a broom and dustpan or thick canvas gloves to limit your contact with sharp edges. Put the shards in a sealed plastic container—the glass may cut paper and garbage bags. Next, vacuum the area to pick up any small remaining pieces. Always wear shoes while working to avoid accidentally stepping on a hidden shard.

3. Secure the Frame

Window glass is meant to sit firmly in the frame, so you may injure yourself when trying to remove any stubborn shards. This hazardous task is best left to the professionals. While waiting for the team to arrive, carefully attach a piece of plywood or a plastic tarp to the frame to cover the sharp edges and prevent additional pieces from shattering on the floor.


If you need to replace a broken window, turn to KKTF Hawaii in Waipahu. These professionals will help you choose a stylish frame and glass design to match your house’s existing aesthetic. Their skilled technicians will also perform a seamless installation and routine maintenance to ensure your new window is secure. Get more information about their services online, or call (808) 800-2230 to request a free estimate.
