
Flooding can cause significant damage to your home and belongings. It’s crucial to understand the flood risk facing your property so that you can secure the right insurance coverage and make any necessary adjustments to protect the structure. Here’s what contributes to flood risk and how a FEMA survey can help. 

What Are Flood Zones?

Flood zones are areas around the country with a greater risk of flooding. However, that doesn’t mean that homes outside these zones are immune.

According to, high-risk flood zones are designated by an A or V on flood maps. Areas with a moderate to low risk of flooding are marked with a B, C, or X.

Flood maps contain essential information about floodplains, which are low-lying areas located close to a body of water. You can search your home address on a flood map to determine your flood zone.

For example, homes located within a Zone A area have a 1% chance of flooding throughout the year. Conversely, a Zone B region has a 0.2% chance of flooding annually. 

Why Do You Need a FEMA Survey?

FEMA surveyA FEMA survey provides important information about the specific risk facing your property. These surveys assess aspects of your home and the environment, including whether the property is located in a flood zone, which areas are most vulnerable to flooding (typically the basement), and characteristics of the building, including alterations made to prevent flood damage. 

A FEMA survey can save you money on insurance costs. If it’s determined the current risk designation of your home is incorrect, you can use the survey to apply for a Flood Elevation Certificate/Letter Of Map Amendment.

If approved, the flood insurance requirement may be waived by your lender. If it’s found that the home is properly elevated to protect against floods, insurance costs might be lowered. 

If it’s discovered that the home has a high risk of flooding, a FEMA survey provides essential information on which areas are the most vulnerable. That way, you can ensure flood insurance limits are set correctly and make alterations to the property to increase protection. 


If you need a FEMA survey for your property, contact Flynn & CYR Land Surveying. Since 1986, they’ve provided surveying services to homeowners throughout Kensington and Berlin, CT. In addition to helping you understand your flood risk, they can also determine your property’s boundary lines and perform a hydrographic survey. Learn more about their services online, or call (860) 828-7886 to schedule an appointment.
