
Almost everyone has to deal with a clogged sink at some point. Sometimes, it’s just a minor inconvenience that can be fixed with a plunger. Other times, the problem requires the assistance of a plumber to keep the water flowing and prevent damage to the plumbing. Knowing the most common causes of clogs and how to prevent them will keep your pipes in good shape.

Why Do Sinks Get Clogged?

In many cases, pipes get clogged when things that shouldn’t be rinsed down the drain are. For example, food waste, grease and oil, hair, and excess dirt can all get caught in the pipes and cause a backup. However, sometimes, clogs can build due to factors you can’t see.

For example, mineral buildup due to hard water can narrow the pipes and cause a clog. Tree roots that have infiltrated the pipes underground can also create obstructions that eventually turn into clogs. 

When Do You Need to Call a Plumber?

plumberThe fact is, not all clogs need a plumber’s intervention. When your toddler puts a toy car down the bathroom sink, you can fish it out and clear the clog. However, other clogs require a plumber.

If every drain in your house is clogged, for instance, then there’s an issue with your main drainage line that needs addressing. Recurring clogs that seem to keep coming back no matter what you do, or clogs that you can’t clear using a plunger or safe remedies, should also be looked at by a plumber. 

How Can I Prevent Clogs?

Preventing clogs is easier than fixing them. When you avoid putting items down the drain that shouldn’t be there, you won't have any trouble. Never put food scraps down the drain, even if you have a garbage disposal. Never put grease or oil down the drain, and install an inexpensive drain screen or trap to catch hair.

Rinse mud or excess dirt from your clothing or body outside before showering or doing the laundry, and remind kids that only water goes down the drain. 


If you have a clogged drain, call Ronnie Ritchie Service Co Inc to clear it. For 65 years, these fully licensed technicians have provided thorough and efficient plumbing, heating, and cooling services throughout Waynesboro, VA. They also provide emergency services. Learn more about their services online or call (540) 942-1415 to schedule an appointment.
