
Most people get bad breath from time to time. But when it becomes chronic—a condition known as halitosis—it’s usually a sign that something’s not right. While it’s essential to see a dentist if the problem persists, knowing the common causes of bad breath can help you treat it on your own. Below are five reasons why you may be experiencing bad breath.

3 Reasons for Bad Breath

1. Poor Oral Hygiene 

Failing to maintain good oral health habits is one of the most common causes of bad breath. When you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, particles of food stay in your mouth, and a film of bacteria starts to form around your teeth.

Known as plaque, this bacterium has an unpleasant odor that gives your breath a foul smell. To keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy, you need to brush your teeth twice a day, floss daily, and visit your dentist every six months for teeth cleanings.

2. Dry Mouth

Wisconsin dentistDry mouth is a condition that causes the mouth to stop producing adequate amounts of saliva. It happens to almost everyone during sleep, which is why morning breath is so common.

Because saliva helps keep your mouth clean, food remains stuck and foul-smelling bacteria begin to grow when not enough is being produced. Diabetes, hormonal imbalances, and other medical conditions can often lead to dry mouth.  

3. Medications

Dry mouth is also a common side effect of many frequently used medications, including antihistamines, antidepressants, asthma inhalers, and meds for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. As a result, they can indirectly cause bad breath.

Medications also release chemicals into the bloodstream, which can produce an odor emitted by your lungs. While bad breath is typically not enough of a reason to stop using a medication, it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist or doctor about ways to manage its side effects.


If you’re fighting chronic bad breath, get in touch with Timber Drive Dental. For more than 20 years, Dr. Paco Fralick and the other dentists at this practice have been providing the Rhinelander, WI, area with first-rate general and restorative dentistry services. Visit their website to learn more and call (715) 365-1800 to schedule an appointment today.
