
Every parent knows the importance of tooth brushing, flossing, and dentist visits for children, but many are unaware of the effects diet has on oral health. What your little one eats can have a big impact on their teeth, and some foods are more beneficial than others. Here’s what they can eat to protect their smile.

A Guide to the Best Foods for Kids’ Teeth

1. Eggs

Eggs in any form are an excellent source of protein, calcium, and phosphorous, all of which contribute to strong, healthy teeth. They’re also one of the few foods to naturally contain vitamin D, which the body needs to absorb calcium. There are countless ways to prepare eggs, like omelets and quiches, so there’s an option to suit even the pickiest of kids.

2. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens and broccoli are full of folic acids, which are beneficial for tooth and gum health. While youngsters can be notoriously picky about eating their veggies, mixing them with other ingredients can help them seem more pleasing. Cheesy broccoli, kale smoothies, and creamed spinach are delicious ways to get kids to eat their greens.

3. Apples, Celery & Carrots

dentistThese crunchy foods help keep teeth clean—their fibrous texture scrubs the surfaces as they’re chewed to remove plaque. Apples, celery, and carrots also contain a lot of water, which hydrates the mouth.

4. Oranges

This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is a nutrient that contributes to healthy teeth and gums and reduces the risk of periodontal disease. Just make sure your child waits at least 30 minutes before brushing their teeth after having an orange—citric acid can temporarily weaken the tooth enamel and leave it vulnerable to erosion.

5. Milk, Cheese & Yogurt

Calcium is crucial for building bone density and promoting strong teeth, and dairy products contain high levels of this mineral. Milk is also a neutral substance, so it can balance the mouth’s pH level and neutralize the harmful impact of acid-producing bacteria.


For more tips on how to care for your little one’s teeth, turn to Chinook Family Dentistry in Anchorage, AK. These dentists have provided families with reliable oral health services for over 35 years. They’ll perform routine exams to ensure your child’s teeth are developing correctly and suggest tips on how to protect their smile between visits. Learn more about their services online, or call (907) 272-8422 to book an appointment with a dentist
