
The enamel that covers your teeth protects them from cavities and decay. However, when plaque accumulates on the surface, it can begin to break down this layer. Fortunately, a dentist can remove this troublesome film with a process called scaling, ensuring your teeth remain healthy and bright. If you have questions about what this entails, below are answers to some of the most common. 

What You Should Know About Dental Scaling

What is it?

While you can remove most plaque by brushing and flossing regularly, this is not possible when tartar forms. This is a calcified version of plaque, and it can permanently stain your teeth without prompt treatment. When performing scaling, your dentist will remove tartar with specialized dental that can scrape it away without damaging the underlying enamel. 

Why is scaling necessary? 

dentistDentists may recommend dental scaling to anyone who has a heavy buildup of tartar. This is because the accumulation creates a nutrient-rich environment for bacteria. As a result, you are more likely to develop gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth decay, all of which lead to tooth loss. Scaling cleans the teeth, eliminates bacteria, and allows the mouth to heal.

How can scaling help? 

In addition to making your smile clean, shiny, and beautiful, scaling can reduce oral bacteria that causes bad breath and tooth decay. In patients with gum disease, dental scaling is the most effective treatment, as it reduces the depth of pockets that the condition forms. Thus, your body can heal and allow your gums to return to their natural, pink color that frames your smile beautifully.

What should you expect? 

Because tartar tends to accumulate near the gum line, your dentist will numb your mouth before starting. Next, they will use a scaler and curette to remove buildup gently. Some dentists use ultrasonic instruments to remove additional tartar, although this is not always necessary. While the gums may feel sore after the anesthetic wears off, you can usually return to normal activities immediately after the appointment.


If you need a reliable dentist to perform scaling, contact Clements Family Dentistry in Hamilton, OH. With more than 28 years of experience, this office focuses on creating a warm, welcoming, and comfortable environment for all patients. Whether you need dental sealants or porcelain veneers, they will help. Visit the website for more information about their wide range of services. Call (513) 887-7027 to schedule an appointment.
